if you've come from the wiki you may know my as PDA, if you came from scratch you may know me as: Zp0iledM1lk
Hi! I'm Eli, and I'm most known for my 4 (5) oc's on the dandys world fanon wiki. Sleeply, Sumire, Kayzie, And Dice'rd. So if you see this, Hi guys!!!!1!!11111 I'm hoping to be famous fr fr!1!!1!1 and if I dont I might just explode. Eliorsum
if you know me from scratch, don't play jollYbees phase 1... it sucks, both ports. phase 2 will prob be out idk when but its way better REST ASSURED!1!11 also I'm working on another game so, hip hip hurray ig!1!1!1 Zp0iledM1lk/Scratch_Hall.
Go follow my tiktok at: Eli’dMilk
Go to my Youtube so you can know when new characters are coming! or updates (if any are announced)